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the game itself is incredible although the walk speed is really slow for me, would be nice to have an option to increase the walk speed


My friend and I have played through the first two acts so far and have been immediately hooked. This game is incredibly gorgeous and has some of the most detailed, most beautiful pixel art I've ever seen.  If you have a Ko-fi or any other place where we could make a donation, I'd love to tip you guys for this fantastic experience.

The fact that this game doesn't shy away from real-world events and societal mindsets regarding things like period-typical homophobia, racism, and treatment of mental illness is a really bold move that I feel a lot of horror-based games don't tap into. It grounds the game very heavily in reality despite the supernatural elements and really makes you care about these characters we're playing as. 

Overall, an excellent experience like I said before. I cannot wait for the Steam version to release so I can go for achievements and check out the DLC. I hope you guys get all the recognition you deserve for all the hard work you put into this game. 

Any chance this will go on steam?


Good news! Laura Hunt just posted on Twitter that the game is being released for Steam on September 21st of this year!

looks cool


Criei a conta para comentar sobre esse jogo maravilhoso que encontrei por pura coincidência e virou meu favorito, pareço ser o primeiro brasileiro aqui e fico feliz em dizer que esse jogo merece ganhar o mundo.


Мне очень понравилась игра: звук, игра света и тени, подбор цветов, силуэты персонажей и атмосфера. Только начал играть. Буду надеяться, что появятся любительские переводы, т.к. мой английский не очень хорош.


Она на английском? Я не заметил...


I've loved this game so much I replayed it twice in a night!! Can't wait for your next game <: if you have a kofi or something please link it so I can properly compensate you for this masterpiece!


Thank you! If you don't mind waiting a few days, next Tuesday (September 21st) we will make a pay-what-you-want DLC available containing the game's art book and original score so that people can donate but also get a little something extra for it. You can check out all the details here :) 

Awesome, I'm looking forward to it!!! <: Super excited to see the new content! I'm excited to play your other games and am REALLY looking forward to anything else you make!! You have a fan in me haha


very good game, I liked it a lot. I would like that perhaps in the future, the game can have a Spanish translation, since my English is not very good, and that is why I do not learn much about the story.



Excellent game! Finally had time to play through it. Thank you for this:)
Though some of the 2'nd story's puzzles were a bit too complicated for me




This game was wonderful! I'm glad that the three characters who technically weren't supposed to be at the front of the train got a second chance (though winning a lottery is still hard)

I'm looking forward to playing your next game!


Hi ! I'm not the only one here to say that, but you've done a splendid job !  Have you other games in developpement ? Thanks for sharing your work :)

Thank you! Yes, we've already started working on something else, but we're still in the very early stages of development. It will still be quite a while before we have anything to show or announce!

Well, I downloaded this game, but 13 minutes in or so it switched to a completely different game. I think I'm going to have to uninstall and reinstall again.


Wonderful ! The writing, the art, and definitely the music. Thanks a lot for this game.


one question. why is it free???


Hi ^^

I had a wonderful time playing this game !

Beautiful through and through. Is there a page where I can make a donation ?


Hi Laura,

Brilliant game, I had a wonderful time, thank you!

I experienced problem with the game crashing on my Linux PC running a Solus distribution.

I tried to launch it using the top-level script "./ioawn4t" but experienced a segmentation fault.

I tried to launch it using the executable "ags64" directly under the data folder but the engine returned shortly during the opening with:

in "room15.asc", line 60

Error: Error running function 'room_AfterFadeIn':

Error: Null pointer referenced

I went on github and compile AGS, stable release 3.5.1 and ran the fresh executable under the data folder and now the game is now starting and running fine. I haven't really looked further but thought you might be interested.

Thanks again!

Hi gelmir, glad you liked the game!

This error usually indicates that something has prevented your sound device from initalizing. It could be an issue with the sound driver that's being automatically selected by the config file, in which case you would have to select one manually, or in some cases it's also been reported that it can happen if the game is installed to a folder with extended ASCII or Unicode characters.

You can see the possible solutions in more detail a few comments below, in case you're interested: In any case, when we publish the new version with the DLC both here and on Steam in September, I will provide a troubleshooting document for anybody who might run into this issue.



Hi Laura,

Yes I have seen this post and followed the instructions before, halas to no avail. The game folder does not have any extended ASCII nor Unicode characters. So I don't know, but the latest AGS version compiled on my machine is fine. Maybe AGS is just picky :-) Just reach out in case you would want more details or testing in the future.



I love this!


Awesome game, and nice reference in the name.


Wow, this game is so beautiful. I played through it all and it was fun to take part in the characters' stories. I'm really impressed that this was made with AGS, I had no idea it was possible to make games like this ^^ Great game! 

(1 edit) (+3)

Wow what a game, I did not expect this at all. Breathtaking graphics, thanks for releasing it for free!


Thanks for making such an amazing game! I'm from a Chinese localization group and would like to help you with Chinese localization.

We've done some research and found out that AGS does support ANSI encoding, which means this game can be translated into Chinese:

We're a group of indie game lovers and really impressed by your game. If there's anything we can help in Chinese localization, please let us know!

(1 edit) (+4)

1) It has never been our intention to localize this game to any other languages and we would like people to understand and respect this.

2) AGS does not currently support Chinese. ANSI is a 1-byte encoding system, which means it's limited to 256 characters. There is currently a beta version in the works that will include Unicode support and thus will make the use of full Chinese font sets possible, but it is still in development. Hopefully it will be functional by the time we start working on our next game. 


what immediately drew me to this game was seeing the pixel art, and it does not disappoint. through mere suggestion, there is so much detail in the animation and it was mesmerizing to watch. there was a bit in the third story that i had never seen anything like it depicted in a pixel art style before.

the individual stories themselves were also interesting, i enjoyed that they covered topics such as homophobia, mental illness, and racism, and it showed despite them taking place a century ago, the topics are still relevant as ever.

the game also had a lot more puzzles than i expected, as i've gotten used to many modern point & clicks focusing more on narrative than puzzles, but here they are in equal abundance, and you don't even have an inventory in this game!

i do wish there had been a warning for an animal's murder though as i was quite upset by that so warning to others.


Odlična tema, koncept i priča, sviđalo mi se sve vezano uz igricu, te sretno gradnjom ostalih igrica, svima preporučujem!

(1 edit)

help, I can't run the game and I have an error note like this :

An error has occurred. Please contact the game author for support, as this is likely to be a scripting error and not a bug in AGS.

(ACI version

in "room15.asc", line 60

Error: Error running function 'room_AfterFadeIn':

Error: Null pointer referenced

I'm using ubuntu 20.04

(1 edit) (+2)

Hi, this means that your sound device hasn't been initialized when launching the game. The default setting is -1, which automatically tries to find and use the correct sound driver, but if you're getting this error, try opening the acsetup.cfg file and replacing the value in digiid with one of the following options depending on your sound card drivers: ALSA, ARTS, ESSD, JACK, OSSD, SGIA, or SDL2. Hopefully one of these options should fix your issue.

thanks for replying, it worked when I use ARTS and run the shell from terminal.

Glad to hear, thanks for letting me know.

hello, i'm on Lubuntu 18.04 and i have only a tiny black windows open, nothing more :/

Hello, I have the same issue but I can't solve it with this solution... Is there any other things that I can try with? I'm using windows10 and my sound card driver is Realtek 

For Windows you can change sound drivers simply by running winsetup.exe and selecting a different one from the "Digital Sound" drop-down.

Thank you for replying, but I tried every options from the drop-down and it makes the same error...... I'm so sad......

(1 edit) (+1)

If you used non-English version Win 10 as I do, change the game folder location to the root (c: or d:  ).  I solved the same problem by doing so. 



This is one of my favourite pixel art styles, well done. Only I wonder how you can kill an empty shell by stabbing it...

However I feel like the first story didn't live to the rest of the game. It was too short and didn't have any puzzles. I feel like it should contain full story about preparations and puzzles like tuning the radio or selecting right liquors.


Conversely, I felt the two latter stories were too puzzle-oriented. I wanted to advance the story, not muddle about. So you can't please 'em all. I still loved it all!


Brilliant game. At every point. I enjoyed every small bit of it. 

Thank you


Ooh I love it so far. But it seems that I am soft locked. In the second story, when I go to the foyer I can't go to the conservatory because I want to read. And I can't go outside because I am not dressed. And I can't go back upstairs to dress. And there is nothing else I can click on or do. Hopefully I won't have to restart

(2 edits) (+1)

Click on the grandfather clock key.

(The hotspot is a bit small and easy to miss, but that will be fixed in September with the new version in order to make it easier to spot.)

Just finished the game! Oh my this is such a hidden gem! Loved the last story especially. And the ending as well. So so well done. 

Glad you enjoyed it!

Hello, I am a student of multimedia design. Since I saw your work, I have been deeply attracted. I am very curious about what software you used to make this game. I want to learn from you,now this has become my motivation for learning, and your work really brought me a big change (English is not my mother tongue, some of it is translated, please forgive me if I make a mistake)


Hi! The game was made with Adventure Game Studio:

It's a great choice if you want to make simple point-and-click games, but it's also very old and has many limitations compared to more modern engines (such as lack of support for Unicode, so it's pretty much impossible to make games in Chinese with it, for example). It is free in any case, so you could always give it a try and see if it suits your needs :)

Thank you for your reply.^^

 During the epidemic, I felt that I had no goals and motivation.And now I decided to study AGS and other programs I should have learned,I have a goal in life again.I wish I can make works that are as touching as you in the future, thank you again.(≧ω≦)/


Glad to hear! Hope you will be able to create something you'll be proud of. Best of luck!

(5 edits) (+2)

 I'm a simple man I see pixel art I click. I like what I see I download.


Amazing Game !    Do you plan a French translation later? (my english is college level).    And one or more DLC ?  I really enjoyed this travel.

(I hope you can add Android platform too)...

That game fits in mobile style

This has got to be one of the most beautiful story-driven games I've ever seen! Only been able to watch through YouTube playthroughs, but if it ever comes out for the Mac, I'd be ever so grateful.


There will be a Mac build coming right here to around late September, so keep your eyes peeled! Or if you want a reminder, you could wishlist it on Steam (even though it will only be available for Win and Linux there) and as soon as it's released you will get an email letting you know it's available already, since we plan to release both at the same time:


Finally got a chance to play this since I heard about it over on the facebook adventure gamers group...holy cow am I impressed with what you did in AGS. I have to say it was one of the most impressive uses of the engine. Not even Wadjet Studios come close even with their latest game. 

Such an intriguing concept and parts hit so hard to home. Beautiful work. I look forward to seeing what else comes from this. :)


I saw it through one of youtuber

It's really sick!

hopefully, I would like to play on mac os or ios

We will release it for Mac in late september, see this other reply for more details :)

Great! I'm looking forward to play it on mac!

Good Game


Everything about this game is amazingly well done

Soundtrack, art style, and story. 


This game is amazing, everything about it is great, art, music, writing, references, etc. Personally, I liked the second story the most, but they are all very good.

The only negative point for me is that it is sometimes difficult to distinguish the item you have to interact with from the scenario (eg the clock key)

(1 edit)

Amazing game. Beautiful soundtrack, incredibly well-crafted atmosphere, engaging story. All the acts were tragic in their own ways. Did not expect to be sad at a horror-themed game. 11/10

The only issue I experienced was that the fullscreen toggle wasn't working on my PC. It did not ruin the experience for me though.

(4 edits)

Hi and thanks a lot, glad you liked it so much!

As to the fullscreen toggle issue, were you playing on Windows with the default configuration? If that's the case, would you mind following a couple of troubleshooting steps to see if we can spot the problem?

- Run winsetup.exe, tick the "Run in windowed mode" box, and click "Save and run". The game should start in a window; see if you can toggle now between windowed and fullscreen modes using Alt+Enter (don't press them both at the same time: try pressing Alt, and while keeping it pressed, press Enter.)

- If this does not work, quit the game and run winsetup once more. Untick the windowed mode box again, select the OpenGL graphics driver, and "Save and run". Does the toggle work now?

Thanks in advance for your help!


You're sick in the very best of ways.
Thanks for providing this.
I'm looking forward to pay some bucks
as soon as you accept them on Steam.
(I hope you'll add Linux there, too.)

Unfortunately, right now the chance of providing a Linux build for Steam seems very unlikely, but we'll try to make it happen so we're not completely discarding the possibility yet. We just don't want to make any promises in that regard in case it doesn't work out in the end.

In any case, the DLC will also be available here on on a pay-what-you-want basis, and it's definitely the option we would encourage  taking because the cut Steam takes from every sale is pretty savage.

Thank you for your comment and the support, we really appreciate it.


Ah, that's good to know! (Well, actually to be reminded of again...) So I'll try to use itch.

I guess you already know the article, but I came here due to gamingonlinux:

Good luck with all your endeavours and stay safe!

I do! Actually they offered to help with the Linux release, which is awesome. Fingers crossed and let's see if we can make it work out...

(1 edit)

Good news! I can definitely confirm we'll be bringing the Linux version to Steam too :)


Do you want to tell why this has been an obstacle, given you got a Linux version running all fine and Steam supports Linux?

The problem was setting the appropriate file permissions for the Linux executables. I don't have a Linux machine, but I do have a tiny command line application for Windows that can set the executable bit for the appropriate files and pack the build into a tar.gz archive, thus preserving these permissions. But while supports uploading tar.gz files, Steam doesn't; it's either direct upload or zip files.

What changed things is that recently I was given a macbook at my job, and because macOS is built on Unix, I was able to set all correct permissions  there and upload my files directly from that laptop. It was a bit complicated to set up at first, but now it's running like a charm.

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