This is a gem. The art, the writing, the music selection, the atmosphere... everything spins together to weave a tapestry of tragedy. An echo of the great pixel-hunts of the 1990s, suggestive of Grim Fandango, Silent Hill, and perhaps even the Chzo Tetralogy.
The animation really stands out. Even at this nostalgically low resolution, every gesture brims over with personality. Lady Winderbourne has a different set of moves for each of her records. The attention to detail is enchanting.
Thank you for this dark and beautiful piece of art.
First of all, this game is incredibly well done. The puzzles aren’t the absurd kind that usually drive me away from this type of game (“find the candelabra, smash the tree, and stick the wasp up your arse to get the key you hid there to get to the parlour”, that sort of unintuitive and unintentionally hilarious thing). In fact, they’re the kind that makes one go “ah, but of course!” after one figures it out. It sounds silly to say, maybe, but it makes one feel a bit smart, a bit in cahoots with the developer.
The ambience is also fantastic. The attention to detail—in Valérie’s story this is most striking, though Jordan’s isn’t too shabby—is chilling yet delightful.
(spoilers below!)
As for the characters, Carlo and Jordan are my favourites. I think Carlo was the most innocent; it was an accident, after all, and the bastard deserved it. And Jordan had actually worked for his redemption already; whatever he’d done in the war was more than paid for at the hospital. Given the opportunity, I would’ve tried my damnest to give them a second chance in life—perhaps in the future, today’s world, where they would’ve found living a tad bit easier. Though not by much, unfortunately.
I see the characters more or less represent society’s downtrodden: a gay man, a mentally ill woman, and a black man. However, I find it most disappointing that the storyline for the woman was “husband dead, life over, kill my cat”. The game sells it just fine, thanks to the glorious atmosphere, but the story errs on the side of ridiculous in retrospect. Also, as a mentally ill cat lover myself… yeah, that’s an unforgivable crime, lady; I don’t give two fucks about your husband. To be perfectly candid, one does become a bit numb to storylines about women that centre on heterosexual romance, especially when one has two fascinating stories to compare them to, like in this game. “Woman goes mad for man, kills cat” is not nearly as compelling as Carlo’s or Jordan’s story.
After finishing the game, I cannot help thinking that the writing is just not on the same level as the game design, and that the ultimately predictable story, the cliché ending and resolution drag the game down. It’s still worth playing, though.
What a gem! If On A Winter's Night, Four Travelers shows how ruthless life can be. A soothing yet mysterious atmosphere with a great music builds up a masterpiece. I'd love to help you translating this game to Vietnamese so can I help you on spreading this game in the community?
Just finished playing this game and was most impressed by its strange beauty and intriguing story. Almost feel like re-reading Calvino's If On A Winter's Night A Traveler.
This game is a small masterpiece. The fact that it's here available for free is unbelievable to me.
Every once in a while, I play a game that makes me think, "This is more than entertainment - it's literature." This is one of those games. The art, the attention to detail, the way each story sets up the next, the use of game mechanics to drive different points home - every part of this game was brilliant. I don't think I've played a single game from this site which has made me ask so many questions about what was happening, and feel like those same questions were also about life, suffering, and what it means to be alone at the mercy of a cruel world.
I streamed it for some friends, and they loved it, too, even though they couldn't hear the music terribly well. The one friend who always falls asleep at 11 at night (whether he wants to or not) also managed to stay up to see the finale - which is mostly because I couldn't find a save feature. Very worth it.
This is a wonderful story-based point-and-click adventure game!
I was really amazed by the exceptional artwork and music and the dark and sorrowful atmosphere of the last two stories!
Most of the puzzles are pretty straight-forward.
The walking speed was rather slow, maybe a user-option for speeding it up would be a useful addition.
There was no voice acting but this would have required extremely good actors, so no voice acting was probably a good thing for the particular game. Besides, the overall atmosphere has made the playing experience quite immersive.
Congratulations on your work and I hope to see more from you in the future!
I hate to already ask if there's a walkthrough somewhere, but I can't get Lady Winterbourne out of her room or to do anything. I've clicked on everything I can find and don't know what I'm missing.
Yes, there are several walkthroughs on YouTube already, with and without commentary. If you can't find your way I can let you know what you need to do, but I'd rather not spoil it here where everybody can see it!
i'm very curious about this game, looks fantastic, but sadly i can't get it to start. After the loading it says that there's a scripting error in line 60, "room15.asc". Any idea on how i can fix this?
Hi! This error indicates that the game audio has not been initialized for some reason. To fix it, try the following:
- First, try whitelisting the game folder and/or executable in your antivirus software if you haven't done so yet. Some programs like Avast or Windows Defender will sometimes interfere with the game startup and cause the audio to not initialize.
- If this doesn't work, run winsetup.exe, click on "Advanced" on the lower-right corner, and in the "Digital Sound" drop-down, change the audio device to "Default WaveOut Device" (this one seems to work for most people), "Default DirectSound Device", or "DirectSound (Hardware mixer)".
Thank you so much for this narrative gem. I could not leave my comptuer until the very end of the game. Great lightings, great narrative rythm, i had a very great time. Congratulations.
this is awesome, still playing through it though. Love the atmosphere and the transition effects in the mansion as well, and the way the narrative unfolds.
This is legitimately one of my favorite experiences I've ever played off of Itchio. So simple yet so macabre. It covers so many intense topics, but does so with weight and understanding. The art is breathtaking, so is the music. Does this game have flaws? I CAN'T FIND ANY!
Is there a way to support you? Playing this game for FREE feels wrong.
Hey! We really enjoyed watching your playthrough on Youtube and it made us so happy that you liked it so much :D You'll be able to support us financially when the DLC we're preparing comes out, but that's still a few months away. Until then, the best support you can give us is to simply recommend the game and spread the word. Thanks for everything!
Hey again! I'm pretty sure I left a comment on one of your playthrough videos, but I can't see it now so maybe I just dreamt the whole thing? Anyway, just wanted to point out that you wrote our name as Dead "Isle" Games but the correct name is actually Dead Idle Games, so I would appreciate it if you could fix that :) Thanks!
Yeah it was really weird. I saw it, but it like, wouldn't show? It was very odd. But yeah I definitely goofed because I misread. I'll try to adjust it for sure. So sorry that I am a forehead x
This game is just wonderful, one of the best games I've ever played. Playing it reminded me of the awe I felt when I was younger and played some amazing pixel-art games that I never forgot. Just like with those, this story will stay with me for a very long time. I'll be looking out for any DLCs and I will support any new game you people will make! Also, thank you for including a content warning <3
This feels like one half of a game. Maybe a third. There's all this misery, and nothing was done with it. At the end it feels like the characters say "Well, those were some screwed up stories. Anyways..."
The artwork is quite nice, and the scenario for the framing story seems intriguing. But it feels incomplete, and frustrating. It feels like it's just episode one, or a proof-of-concept demo. If it is, then I hope you eventually set up a fundraiser or something to get the rest of this game made, and good luck with it.
There's all this misery, and nothing was done with it.
Tragedy is a legitimate genre, is it not? And the last part gives some redemption, does it not? And each character is given a full arc, are they not?
Feeling frustrated or depressed is one way to react to a sad story, but there's another. Despite our evolutionary desire to tie a bow on everything, it can be beneficial to our well-being to accept that sadness is a fundamental part of the human condition. This is because well-being can be defined as how closely reality meets our expections.
Or, if we want to find a moral to these stories, it is perhaps not to allow ourselves to become so emotionally attached to something that it can undermine our very being. Logically, neither failing to gain something we expected to gain, nor losing something we didn't expect to lose, should leave us worse off than we were before we obtained the desire to have these things in the first place. Therefore, the suffering comes from an immaturity of the soul, or more scientifically, undisciplined thoughts, rather than an external source.
Unexpected, atmospheric, breathtaking, gloomy, mastered. A pure gem of gaming that would have surely not stolen your money... if it wasn't totally free. <3
Hi, do you think it'd be possible to make it so that the dialog is activated by the click of the mouse? Maybe I'd like to stream this but as the game is English only it'd be hard to translate correctly on the fly.
Hi, that is not possible, but if you press Esc during the game you'll bring up the Pause/Options menu, where you can adjust the dialogue text speed and make it slower by moving the slider to the left. Moving it just 3-4 notches should be more than enough to give you time to translate everything, and if not, you can always make it even slower (and of course, once you're done reading/translating a line, you can skip to the next one by clicking the mouse.)
What a beautiful game! It really touched me. The characters are so well written and I just love the artwork. What is the name of the song that plays in the opioid induced bright world?
Thank you! That is a piano adaptation of Dvorak's Serenade for Strings Op. 22 - II. Menuetto, by a musican called Gerluz. You also have the whole list of non-original music pieces right here in this page and also in the pdf that comes with the game in case you want to track them down! :)
Astounding. Gorgeous to look at, perfect level of creep to understanding, just tricky enough puzzle-wise, some truly heart-aching revelations. Just wall to wall great stuff!
I just want to note that I ran into a small bug; in The Slow Vanishing. In the very first instance of the hallway, if one looks at the statue of Mnemosyne first the camera tweens back to the area with the doors for no apparent reason. This isn't game breaking; you can walk back to that area and then return to the hallway, but figured you might like to know! What a labour of love <3
Hey, thanks so much for reporting! I managed to reproduce this bug and it seems to be caused by an edge case in which, if you don't cross completely from one side to another and manage to remain standing right on the trigger region that switches the camera from right to left and viceversa, *and* you look at any statue for the first time, the engine thinks that you're trying to go back to the corridor you came from and tweens the camera back accordingly.
I think I have managed to patch it up, but it's 3:30 AM here, so I'll test again in the morning to be sure, and upload a new build if everything looks ok. Really appreciate the heads up!
I just finished this after deciding it looked interesting enough to download.
I think it was absolutely brilliant. I can see why some might compare it to the last door but the animation and graphics are a whole level up from that, in fact it has some of my fav animation i've seen in a game like this for years.
Wonderful stuff, I hope very much you choose to make more :)
Gorgeous, simply exquisite! Loved how different each story felt in terms of presentation and how we gradually sank deeper and deeper into some truly creepy (and fleshy) stuff! Winterbourne's section with its masterful use of shadow and color, her gradually fading away (literally), and how the various objects in the mansion shift in description as the days of drug-addled fantasy take their hold is especially MAGNIFICENT - that part alone makes this whole adventure worth the price of admission... And it's FREE??? WHAT??? NO
In any case, this was amazing and I look forward to seeing more from you - whether it's more set in this world you've created, or maybe in other, perhaps even stranger adventures to come!
Thank you so much! It's always such a pleasure when someone really pays attention to the little details like the changing descriptions. Makes all the work put into it truly worth it :)
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This is a gem. The art, the writing, the music selection, the atmosphere... everything spins together to weave a tapestry of tragedy. An echo of the great pixel-hunts of the 1990s, suggestive of Grim Fandango, Silent Hill, and perhaps even the Chzo Tetralogy.
The animation really stands out. Even at this nostalgically low resolution, every gesture brims over with personality. Lady Winderbourne has a different set of moves for each of her records. The attention to detail is enchanting.
Thank you for this dark and beautiful piece of art.
First of all, this game is incredibly well done. The puzzles aren’t the absurd kind that usually drive me away from this type of game (“find the candelabra, smash the tree, and stick the wasp up your arse to get the key you hid there to get to the parlour”, that sort of unintuitive and unintentionally hilarious thing). In fact, they’re the kind that makes one go “ah, but of course!” after one figures it out. It sounds silly to say, maybe, but it makes one feel a bit smart, a bit in cahoots with the developer.
The ambience is also fantastic. The attention to detail—in Valérie’s story this is most striking, though Jordan’s isn’t too shabby—is chilling yet delightful.
(spoilers below!)
As for the characters, Carlo and Jordan are my favourites. I think Carlo was the most innocent; it was an accident, after all, and the bastard deserved it. And Jordan had actually worked for his redemption already; whatever he’d done in the war was more than paid for at the hospital. Given the opportunity, I would’ve tried my damnest to give them a second chance in life—perhaps in the future, today’s world, where they would’ve found living a tad bit easier. Though not by much, unfortunately.
I see the characters more or less represent society’s downtrodden: a gay man, a mentally ill woman, and a black man. However, I find it most disappointing that the storyline for the woman was “husband dead, life over, kill my cat”. The game sells it just fine, thanks to the glorious atmosphere, but the story errs on the side of ridiculous in retrospect. Also, as a mentally ill cat lover myself… yeah, that’s an unforgivable crime, lady; I don’t give two fucks about your husband. To be perfectly candid, one does become a bit numb to storylines about women that centre on heterosexual romance, especially when one has two fascinating stories to compare them to, like in this game. “Woman goes mad for man, kills cat” is not nearly as compelling as Carlo’s or Jordan’s story.
After finishing the game, I cannot help thinking that the writing is just not on the same level as the game design, and that the ultimately predictable story, the cliché ending and resolution drag the game down. It’s still worth playing, though.
when was it release
excellent game!
What a gem! If On A Winter's Night, Four Travelers shows how ruthless life can be. A soothing yet mysterious atmosphere with a great music builds up a masterpiece. I'd love to help you translating this game to Vietnamese so can I help you on spreading this game in the community?
Thank you very much for the offer, but we are not going to translate the game. Happy you liked it and thanks for your comment!
Just finished playing this game and was most impressed by its strange beauty and intriguing story. Almost feel like re-reading Calvino's If On A Winter's Night A Traveler.
Brilliant. Thanks for the ride.
Brilliant use of transition animation effects in chapters 2 & 3, excellent storytelling, terrific choice of music and sounds.
(+1 point if you can add walk speed slider in DLC) ;)
I felt guilty playing this for free. Exceptional work on both story and art. Congratulations.
This game is a small masterpiece. The fact that it's here available for free is unbelievable to me.
Every once in a while, I play a game that makes me think, "This is more than entertainment - it's literature." This is one of those games. The art, the attention to detail, the way each story sets up the next, the use of game mechanics to drive different points home - every part of this game was brilliant. I don't think I've played a single game from this site which has made me ask so many questions about what was happening, and feel like those same questions were also about life, suffering, and what it means to be alone at the mercy of a cruel world.
I streamed it for some friends, and they loved it, too, even though they couldn't hear the music terribly well. The one friend who always falls asleep at 11 at night (whether he wants to or not) also managed to stay up to see the finale - which is mostly because I couldn't find a save feature. Very worth it.
Thank you for making this and sharing it.
This is a wonderful story-based point-and-click adventure game!
I was really amazed by the exceptional artwork and music and the dark and sorrowful atmosphere of the last two stories!
Most of the puzzles are pretty straight-forward.
The walking speed was rather slow, maybe a user-option for speeding it up would be a useful addition.
There was no voice acting but this would have required extremely good actors, so no voice acting was probably a good thing for the particular game. Besides, the overall atmosphere has made the playing experience quite immersive.
Congratulations on your work and I hope to see more from you in the future!
This was absolutely excellent! Best gaming experience I've had in a long time, thank you.
I hate to already ask if there's a walkthrough somewhere, but I can't get Lady Winterbourne out of her room or to do anything. I've clicked on everything I can find and don't know what I'm missing.
Yes, there are several walkthroughs on YouTube already, with and without commentary. If you can't find your way I can let you know what you need to do, but I'd rather not spoil it here where everybody can see it!
Yes that helped! I couldn't detect something against a background, the video helped. Thank you!
es un juegasooooooo
i'm very curious about this game, looks fantastic, but sadly i can't get it to start. After the loading it says that there's a scripting error in line 60, "room15.asc". Any idea on how i can fix this?
Hi! This error indicates that the game audio has not been initialized for some reason. To fix it, try the following:
- First, try whitelisting the game folder and/or executable in your antivirus software if you haven't done so yet. Some programs like Avast or Windows Defender will sometimes interfere with the game startup and cause the audio to not initialize.
- If this doesn't work, run winsetup.exe, click on "Advanced" on the lower-right corner, and in the "Digital Sound" drop-down, change the audio device to "Default WaveOut Device" (this one seems to work for most people), "Default DirectSound Device", or "DirectSound (Hardware mixer)".
Let me know if this works for you!
Nothing of that was necessary, it was only an error in the installation. I just unistalled and reinstalled and everything works fine. Thanks!
Very happy to hear, and thanks for letting me know!
Thank you so much for this narrative gem. I could not leave my comptuer until the very end of the game. Great lightings, great narrative rythm, i had a very great time. Congratulations.
this is awesome, still playing through it though. Love the atmosphere and the transition effects in the mansion as well, and the way the narrative unfolds.
Ok love the styling and very good gameplay!
This is legitimately one of my favorite experiences I've ever played off of Itchio. So simple yet so macabre. It covers so many intense topics, but does so with weight and understanding. The art is breathtaking, so is the music. Does this game have flaws? I CAN'T FIND ANY!
Is there a way to support you? Playing this game for FREE feels wrong.
Hey! We really enjoyed watching your playthrough on Youtube and it made us so happy that you liked it so much :D You'll be able to support us financially when the DLC we're preparing comes out, but that's still a few months away. Until then, the best support you can give us is to simply recommend the game and spread the word. Thanks for everything!
To manage expectations, the DLC is a digital artbook & OST. Not more game, afaik.
Hey again! I'm pretty sure I left a comment on one of your playthrough videos, but I can't see it now so maybe I just dreamt the whole thing? Anyway, just wanted to point out that you wrote our name as Dead "Isle" Games but the correct name is actually Dead Idle Games, so I would appreciate it if you could fix that :) Thanks!
Yeah it was really weird. I saw it, but it like, wouldn't show? It was very odd. But yeah I definitely goofed because I misread. I'll try to adjust it for sure. So sorry that I am a forehead x
Oh dear, then I'm not (completely) crazy; I *did* leave that comment, hahah! Thank you so much for fixing it! 😀
It's adjusted! I changed all the titles and left a comment to clarify that as well! So sorry again.
This game is just wonderful, one of the best games I've ever played. Playing it reminded me of the awe I felt when I was younger and played some amazing pixel-art games that I never forgot. Just like with those, this story will stay with me for a very long time. I'll be looking out for any DLCs and I will support any new game you people will make! Also, thank you for including a content warning <3
This feels like one half of a game. Maybe a third. There's all this misery, and nothing was done with it. At the end it feels like the characters say "Well, those were some screwed up stories. Anyways..."
The artwork is quite nice, and the scenario for the framing story seems intriguing. But it feels incomplete, and frustrating. It feels like it's just episode one, or a proof-of-concept demo. If it is, then I hope you eventually set up a fundraiser or something to get the rest of this game made, and good luck with it.
There's all this misery, and nothing was done with it.
Tragedy is a legitimate genre, is it not?
And the last part gives some redemption, does it not?
And each character is given a full arc, are they not?
Feeling frustrated or depressed is one way to react to a sad story, but there's another. Despite our evolutionary desire to tie a bow on everything, it can be beneficial to our well-being to accept that sadness is a fundamental part of the human condition. This is because well-being can be defined as how closely reality meets our expections.
Or, if we want to find a moral to these stories, it is perhaps not to allow ourselves to become so emotionally attached to something that it can undermine our very being. Logically, neither failing to gain something we expected to gain, nor losing something we didn't expect to lose, should leave us worse off than we were before we obtained the desire to have these things in the first place. Therefore, the suffering comes from an immaturity of the soul, or more scientifically, undisciplined thoughts, rather than an external source.
This Game is spectacular, I love it.
WOW! Just... WOW! This is absolutely fantastic! Thank you so much for putting it together and sharing it!
This is such a beautiful game in every aspect, what a wonderful atmosphere it sets, i only lament that the first story seems so short in comparison.
Spectacular <3
Unexpected, atmospheric, breathtaking, gloomy, mastered. A pure gem of gaming that would have surely not stolen your money... if it wasn't totally free. <3
Hi, do you think it'd be possible to make it so that the dialog is activated by the click of the mouse? Maybe I'd like to stream this but as the game is English only it'd be hard to translate correctly on the fly.
Hi, that is not possible, but if you press Esc during the game you'll bring up the Pause/Options menu, where you can adjust the dialogue text speed and make it slower by moving the slider to the left. Moving it just 3-4 notches should be more than enough to give you time to translate everything, and if not, you can always make it even slower (and of course, once you're done reading/translating a line, you can skip to the next one by clicking the mouse.)
Oh ok, i'll try that. Thanks.
What a beautiful game! It really touched me. The characters are so well written and I just love the artwork. What is the name of the song that plays in the opioid induced bright world?
Thank you! That is a piano adaptation of Dvorak's Serenade for Strings Op. 22 - II. Menuetto, by a musican called Gerluz. You also have the whole list of non-original music pieces right here in this page and also in the pdf that comes with the game in case you want to track them down! :)
Thank you I found it! I will definitely do that!
This looks incredible and I'm very excited to check it out.
This was incredible and I urge everyone to check it out!
Amazing experience, thank you!
Dose anybody know where the bathroom is that the character says he need to look at? I'm stuck in the room
in the bedroom, the entrance to the bathroom is to the right of the drawer with socks
Thank you
incredible work. GG !
This game its just amazing!!!!!!
This game was such an amazing experience, I love the art, and the stories it told! Thank you so much for making this.
It's a crime that this game is free. This was amazing. Thank you.
Astounding. Gorgeous to look at, perfect level of creep to understanding, just tricky enough puzzle-wise, some truly heart-aching revelations. Just wall to wall great stuff!
I just want to note that I ran into a small bug; in The Slow Vanishing. In the very first instance of the hallway, if one looks at the statue of Mnemosyne first the camera tweens back to the area with the doors for no apparent reason. This isn't game breaking; you can walk back to that area and then return to the hallway, but figured you might like to know! What a labour of love <3
Hey, thanks so much for reporting! I managed to reproduce this bug and it seems to be caused by an edge case in which, if you don't cross completely from one side to another and manage to remain standing right on the trigger region that switches the camera from right to left and viceversa, *and* you look at any statue for the first time, the engine thinks that you're trying to go back to the corridor you came from and tweens the camera back accordingly.
I think I have managed to patch it up, but it's 3:30 AM here, so I'll test again in the morning to be sure, and upload a new build if everything looks ok. Really appreciate the heads up!
ok, files updated. This should fix the issue!
Happy to have helped; thanks again for a really great experience :D
Just amazing! I love the story
I just finished this after deciding it looked interesting enough to download.
I think it was absolutely brilliant. I can see why some might compare it to the last door but the animation and graphics are a whole level up from that, in fact it has some of my fav animation i've seen in a game like this for years.
Wonderful stuff, I hope very much you choose to make more :)
Gorgeous, simply exquisite! Loved how different each story felt in terms of presentation and how we gradually sank deeper and deeper into some truly creepy (and fleshy) stuff! Winterbourne's section with its masterful use of shadow and color, her gradually fading away (literally), and how the various objects in the mansion shift in description as the days of drug-addled fantasy take their hold is especially MAGNIFICENT - that part alone makes this whole adventure worth the price of admission... And it's FREE??? WHAT??? NO
In any case, this was amazing and I look forward to seeing more from you - whether it's more set in this world you've created, or maybe in other, perhaps even stranger adventures to come!
Thank you so much! It's always such a pleasure when someone really pays attention to the little details like the changing descriptions. Makes all the work put into it truly worth it :)
Stunningly beautiful game, every element is gorgeous. Amazing job!