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I'm in love just seeing the videos on youtube! Do you plan to release a Mac version?

Not for now, sorry! Maybe when we launch on Steam in a few months we'll add a Mac version to, but right now I can't confirm it, unfortunately.


Awesome, thanks!


Hauntingly beautiful, thank you!

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Gonna be honest, I only clicked on this thinking it was related to the book "If on a winters night, a traveler...".

But after reading what you put here sounds like it not. But I'm definitely gonna give it a go tonight. Pretty excited!

It's vaguely inspired by the book, as by so many other things that influenced us, and you might recognize a passage from it hidden away somewhere, but no, it's not an adaptation. I hope you find something to enjoy in any case :)

wow thanx   laura hunt  now i am  in peace cause i was.... like i really wanted to knew thanx anyway


now i can play it yeah i didn t play it untill you respond haha

Just crossed my mind: Are there any plans include language options in the game? Just out of curiousity.

Nope, sorry!


Here are my words of appreciation :-)

Such a lovely review! Thank you!


Without a doubt, an excellent adventure. The art is splendid, the choice of the soundtrack was very happy, and the narrative is interesting. Very good indeed.

Thanks for playing it! 

(1 edit)

Loved it, really atmospheric! The Roaring 20s vibes are spot on!

If anyone else wants to run this on a Macbook: just download PlayOnMac and launch the .exe from a virtual drive.

Oh, that's great to know. I'll suggest this if anybody asks me about playing on Mac, thank you very much for the tip. 

What a game! I love it! Great Story!


If anybody else having a problem under Linux because of the engine not finding game data, and you have Unicode characters in the path, move the game to a path with only ANSI characters.

Nice game!!!

Thanks for the tip! Nobody has reported having this issue so far, but it's great to know in case it happens to someone, much appreciated!


Also here the Linux version didn't work, played the Windows version via Wine on Ubuntu (which ran smoothly out of the box). 

What was the issue exactly, did it simply not run, or did it crash at some point? Did you get any error message that could help pinpoint the problem?

The terminal shows me an error in room15.asc, line 60. Maybe a " missing or something, AGS can be quite picky ;-)

(1 edit)

Oh, that looks like you might have the sound turned off in your settings or it failed to initialize for some reason and the game crashed because of a call to an Audiochannel resulting in a null pointer error. It's weird that it did not complain in Wine though!


Ubuntu version 20.10. The console log is:

Adventure Game Studio v3.5 Interpreter
Copyright (c) 1999-2011 Chris Jones and 2011-2021 others
ACI version
Initializing allegro
Initializing game data
Game data file could not be found. Search path used: '/home/deejay/Letöltések/IOAWN/data/'
ERROR: Unable to determine game data.
Engine was not able to find any compatible game data.
Searched in: /home/deejay/Letöltések/IOAWN/data/
Root cause is the Unicode characters in "Letöltések". When moved to a pure ansi path everything is all right.

Thanks for reporting!

I like this a lot! i loooove pixel art quite a bit.

enough to make a vid on it!

This was so cool, thanks for sharing! It's always really interesting to see how everybody finds their way around the game (and screaming at the screen "nooo, click there! No, there!" hahah). Hope you go back to it soon and discover what else there is in store!

What a beautifull game you have made. Hopping to get your artbook when you release it.

Thanks so much, appreciate the support!

Wow, blown away by this piece. As a game developer with a background in theatre the premise and the idea behind the game felt familiar in an almost nostalgic way. The characters and their stories were beautifully written and the gameplay helped me connect to them in a powerful way. 

This is going on my list of favourite narrative experiences along with Disco Elysium, The Return of Obra Dinn and What Remains of Edith Finch. 

From reading your replies to other comments I understand why you don't want to charge any money for it but could you consider accepting a donation somehow? Either for yourself or a charity of somekind?

(1 edit) (+3)

Thank you for the offer, but as cheesy as it may sound, our best reward is reading comments like these and knowing our work has touched so many people :) Seeing IOAWN4T compared to those titles makes me feel so incredibly honoured.

Do you have any plans to release on Steam/other platforms — perhaps with your future 'deluxe' edition? I do so hate Steam's monopoly, but on the other hand I'd also hate to see this not touch many more people who don't use this ecosystem. 

Is there anywhere I can subscribe to be notified about the OST/artbook package? (I.e. if it is listed under this game page, I don't know if following you on Itch will notify me)

Yes! We're definitely aiming for a Steam release, even if it takes us a few months :)

As to being notified here on itch, the best thing you can do is definitely follow us on here and when the package is released I will make sure to make a proper dev update so nobody misses it. You won't have to worry about getting spammed with other useless updates, since I hate flooding followers' feeds with annoying crap that only makes it harder to notice the important stuff!


Brilliant, thank you Laura :) 

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Wonderfully interwoven narrative. Incredibly horrifying yet human at the same time


"Incredibly horrifying yet human at the same time" would make a fantastic blurb, hahah. Thanks!

I just finished this in a single sitting and it's been a long time since I was so entranced by a game. Absolutely fantastic in every way, thank you for making this!

Thank *you* for playing!


Omg, this game looks so good :D

Thanks for this experience! Amazing pixel art and really compelling characters.  Depressing and horrifying! Can't wait for more haha

Haha glad you... enjoyed? it 😄

This looks great.. Any plans to make a build for macOS?

Unfortunately not, sorry! We might consided it for future games but for this one it's not in our plans at all.


I see that scummvm ( has experimental support for AGS games, so you might be able to play it through that!

That might work! Also, somebody suggested using PlayOnMac, so it could be worth giving that a try too.

This is just incomprehensibly good for a free game. The craftsmanship in storytelling and artistry is INSANE.


Love to read something like this, thank you!

Compelling story, amazing art and OMG the atmosphere. 💜💜💜


Beautiful and incredibly immersive. Thank you so much for making this game. :)

Thanks to you for playing it!

Where could I give you money ? You deserve to be payed for this kind of masterpiece !

(1 edit)

Unfortunately that's not possible right now, but in a few months we plan on releasing a package with the OST plus a digital artbook, and you'll be able to pay what you want for it. Thank you for your support!

Really amazing art, storytelling, animation. The smoothness of the animations is amazing. Also the envorinmental storytelling and atmosphere is really well-executed.


Thanks for such kind words! AGS crew represent! :D

Just finished it, it was an incredible experience! Some of the nicest pixelart I've ever seen... and this story, creepy... Unbelievable you give this away for free, it's a gem!


Thank you so much, the only thing we wanted was for people to enjoy it and reading comments like this makes it all worth it!


Is this based on the Italo Calvino novel or just inspired by it?


The novel was one of our many inspirations, but no, the game is not based directly on it :)

Looks terrific, I hope the story is just as good, thank you for sharing!

Just leaving a comment to say I’m super impressed with the style and the Calvino reference in the title caught my eye 👁 Can’t wait to play it!

Brilliant stuff! Here's a full playthrough: 

So cool, thanks so much!

Wow! Truly brilliant! Congrats!! I enjoyed a lot despite its dark air or maybe because of it xD Thanks for this game :)

Thank you, glad you liked it!


wow, it looks beautiful! I can’t wait to play it. 😊

Will the game be available on macOS too?


Nope, not for Mac! Hope you can enjoy it on Windows or Linux in any case :)


Amazing! Are you going to add a "Pay what you want" pricing tier? I would actually like to pay some money for the game :)


Thank you! We will, eventually, when we finally release it on Steam a few months from now :)

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Wow, Laura! I congratulate you to the release! I couldn't get this beautiful pixelart out of my mind since when I saw the first screenshot on the AGS website. I can't believe you give it away for free, thank you so much for that wonderful gift! :)

Thanks a lot, I really hope you enjoy it!

How i this free??? I'm ultra impressed! Gonna play this whenever I have the opportunity!

Awesome! Hope you like it! :D

it's out! It's great! Thanks for making this!!!

Thank you so much! 👐

I LOVE this!

I have been playing the other murder tale by the time - looking forward to this one. Looks really nice.  Good luck for the last meters.  

Appreciate it, thank you very much!

I just want you to know that this looks beautiful, and I can't wait to play it! I love the visual style to pieces, and the premise for each short story sounds GREAT!

Thank you! Hope to live up to the hype.

That's the most beautiful and artistically impressive pixel art I've seen in a long time! Well done!

Thanks so much!


Desperately seeking mailing list, Steam wishlist, or some other way to be notified when this is ready for prime time.  Beautiful atmosphere.

(1 edit) (+1)

Hi, we only have this page and our twitter, but if you're following us here or if you add the game to your collection, you will get an update in your feed when we release it (should be around late February, fingers crossed). Thanks for your interest!

it's ready.

Aha!  Thanks so much for the notification!


Looks beautiful!

Well thank you, kind sir!

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