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I loved the game, the ambiance and the characters. Great job!

Shoot, I'd love to play it, but none of the controls seem to work.  Even pressing esc doesn't bring up a menu.  Again, would love to play it, but I've tried everything and I can't seem to get past the very first scene on the train.  

You only see the train in cutscenes, you don't need to do anything to get past the opening in the train but let the cutscene play. If the cutscene isn't progressing then the problem is not that the controls don't work but that the game is soft locking during a cutscene.

I'm sorry I don't have a constructive suggestion, but hopefully this information will help in working out a solution with the devs.



Man, that game was good. 👏👏👏

The pixel art is 10/10 no joke and the pace of the story was wonderful. To top it off, a very nice choice of soundtrack to set the mood inside this story. 🥸

About the pace, during the 1st story for example, I really appreciated the way you first have to look through all the room to find the things required to prepare before Patrick comes around. This is a nice way of getting more familiar with the whole place and understanding what each item does. By the time he came, I already felt like "I know the place" which is a very good point. 

I must admit that as a straight man, I did cringe a little here and there during the 1st story but still, regardless of my personal beliefs, I have to admit that it was indeed an interesting story. 👍

Feedback (to go even further beyond!!!):

To be honest, I really don't have much to say... the game was very good at everything it was trying to achieve. A very nice experience.

If I could change one thing though, it'll be the walk speed.... because them these guys are slow. 🤣

Other than that, I don't see anything else that deserves revisions...

Last word:

An amazing experience. Props to you guys! Keep up the good work! 👌


I'm a straight man and I'm genuinely not sure why the first story would make you cringe. It seems really strange to frame your discomfort as something that is automatically a given due to you being straight. 

You allude to "your personal beliefs". While I don't want to go putting words in your mouth, whatever your personal beliefs are they aren't anything specifically to do with being straight.


Genuinely amazing. The sheer amount of atmosphere alone is enough to make me love it, but the writing is amazing and they compliment each other beautifully. I seriously couldn't put it down for how entranced I was. If it was 10 hours long, then I would sit for those 10 hours cause it is just that enthralling.  Love it, love it, love it.


Loved the game! A short but interesting experience


This is so god damn good! I just loved playing this game, the atmosphere, the soundtrack, the storys, real and fantastic and ruthless... so dark and wonderfull, like a nightmare and a dream at the same time... I fell in love completely!


Wow I absolutely loved this game! The stories were so compelling and were profoundly sad. I wish there was a happy ending for all of the travelers though. This is just a really beautiful game!


Finally commenting on this, I love this game so much, the dark atmosphere is AMAZING! The third story confused me a little bit though ha ha


This was an absolutely fantastic game! I love the idea behind it and each of the stories were so lovely!


Your game reminded me why I love games
Thank you


I played on the macOS without any trouble. 

The game is very well written and has terrific  atmosphere! I am absolutely returning for any projects you do in the future!


one of the best games I've ever played from itch, I couldn't stop playing from the moment I started it and I was glued to my computer until it ended. thank you for this amazing piece of art <3


Very good game but the ending was a bit predictable.


the most amazing game i have ever played.


What story down there awaits its end?—he asks, anxious to hear the story...

This was quite an experience, found this thanks to the Randomizer.


This game looks incredible so far, and I can't wait to beat it! I played the first chapter on my channel, and I'm so excited to continue! The art is amazing, the music is beautiful, and the story is great so far. Thanks for making this game!

(PS: Part 2 is coming out tomorrow if anyone's interested!)

Congratulations on your huge haul of AGS awards for this game. It was Superb.


Goddamn that was somethin' else. Glad I finished it

(1 edit) (+2)

This madame was incredible, the story and how it all fit together and connected back to Laylah absolutely incredible, I'll be recommending this to some people


A fantastic game!! I haven't played a masterpiece like this in ages! Thank you for the marvelous ride. 


Great game! I made a video on it.


I haven't had this kind of experience playing a game in a long while, so I want to thank you! From the storytelling to the tiniest details of each pixel, this game gives everything it has to the player. I really want to know why certain masks were used, whenever if they have any history to the characters of if the developer picked them just because. I really want to know more! 

Additionally, I loved the switching of different viewpoints, from going onto the train, third-person I believe (correct me if I am wrong!) and when we relive the final moments of the characters, isometric viewpoint. I adored this game, and I can't wait to see more from Laura Hunt!

9/10, the first puzzle felt a bit short and rushed, but everything else was as close to perfect as it can get!


The art for this is beautiful, I'm downloading specifically for that.


Hi, I don’t normally leave comments but I felt like I had to for how much this game impacted me. This is truly a work of art. I encourage everyone to play it. Thank you for making such a kickass game.


This adventure is unique and we like the pixelated artstyle. We love all three stories, each one special and not similar to the others. We made it through and are very proud of it. Congratulations to this wonderful and sometimes spooky work!

Absolute amazing game. The details, the retro graphic and also the story hooked me from minute 1. Can't wait to see more from the developer! Not convinced? Try out for yourself or take a peek at the gameplay:


amazing amazing amazing game... can't wait to see more games by you!


Fantastic piece of storytelling, graphics and animation are great as well. I really liked isometric view which is not very common for a point & click game.  Thank You and keeping my fingers crossed for another game in similar vein.


very much enjoyed, loved the graphics and the style of narrative. Interesting game


This game is fantastic, the best way I can describe it:

Boy, that escalated quickly

(1 edit) (+3)

(Purchased w/DLC on Steam)

This is such a gem of digital storytelling! Don't go into this expecting a point-and-click adventure game, because this is not a puzzle adventure in the vein of Thimbleweed Park or the LucasArts classics. Rather, this is an "on-the-rails" anthology with a point-and-click interface. You're here for the story, not for the gameplay.

And what a tale! The anthology consists of the backstory for 3 strangers on a train that they have no recollection of boarding. Each story is presented in a different way, leveraging a variety of storytelling techniques. Each is well paced and at times very creative in the reveal of key plot elements. The author has achieved a perfect balance in the storytelling. They don't spell everything out for the viewer, instead letting the viewer discover for themselves what is going on. At the same time, the author is never overly oblique, nor do they presume to try for clever plot twists. The brilliance of the design is that even as you come to realize where the story is going, there is still a powerful impact when a key plot point is reached.

[MINOR SPOILERS?] This is especially felt in Acts 2 and 3, both of which, compared to Act 1, contain a great deal of character backstory reveal. In Act 2, even as I came to the dreadful realization of what Lady Winterbourne would discover in the pond, I still clenched in agony when it was finally revealed. In Act 3, even though I knew full well what Dr. Samuels was going to do for the wounded soldier who lost his legs, I still jumped at the moment when… well, best not to reveal everything.

The fact that the game could evoke such a strong emotional responses, without being excessively cagey with the plot exposition, speaks to an impressive storytelling finesse and a proper respect for the intellectual and emotional potential of the viewer. Few games can claim such insightful design.

The entire interactive story goes quickly, lasting only 2 to 3 hours depending on whether you get hung up on any of the sparse puzzles that it presents. (Also, depending on how long you spend listening to Lady Winterbourne's vinyls. I for one thoroughly enjoyed listening all the way through each one while enjoying her spontaneous dancing. Scandalous!) The game focuses on quality over quantity, and those few hours are time well spent.

Wait I'm a bit lost on the ending


This game is absolutely extraordinary.


This game is a masterpiece. You should be incredibly proud. 


Thank you so much, I absolutely loved it!


Hello, I played this game and I really enjoyed it, great job! :)


this was an amazing little game, thank you!


You guys have my entire heart as developers. Beautiful, engaging, artistic, and just overall well written and well made. It was such a pleasure to play this game and I can't wait for the next masterpiece you create. Feel free to check out part two of my playthrough below. 


Is there any way to translate the game into Hungarian? Me and some of my friends would make it, but we don't know how to do it exactly


One of the best games I've ever played! So much work and effort put into this! Mad respect!

(2 edits) (-2)

i read that this game works in SCUMMVM, thats great.  i should test this.

any plans to update the AGS engine when the SDL2 update comes out?
the SDL2 moves away from Allegro backend and fixes several issues
i hope you do testing for this an release a SDL2 update

also, two of your included sound records:

Amelita Galli-Curci & Tito Schipa, Parigi, o cara (Giuseppe Verdi, 1853). Performance from 1924. Restored mp3 transfer provided by the Kahle/Austin Foundation.

Mal Hallett and his Orchestra, My New York (Irving Berlin, 1927). Restored mp3 transfer provided by the Kahle/Austin Foundation.

are not CC/CC0/Public Domain and are copyrighted in the US (via US MMA 2018) for 100 years.  meaning until 2024 and 2027.

it would be nice to change these songs or replace them with CreativeCommons recor

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