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This is a beautiful take on the afterlife, the last mans story definitely hit the hardest, but my favorite is the womans ngl. Its mind blowing that this game is free! Seriously, play this game, you wont regret it. Kept me entertained for a few hours, and honestly? Time well spent

Dang, This is really great. I love the music, artwork, story. I have goosebumps all over.

I have my gameplay of this check it out: Act 1 The Silent Room


Fantastic, The second story really resonated with me.


Absolutely lovely game! Story, art, music all comes together really well. Eerie and unsettling enough in just the right places - incredible experience! Didn't encounter any issues or glitches at all - sets a very high standard :)

(2 edits)

Hi!  I would really love to try out the game,  but there seems to be an error and the game crashes after loading goes to 100%. The error message says: "An error has occurred. Please contact the game author for support, as this is likely to be a scripting error and not a bug in AGS.

 in "room15.asc", line 60 

Error: Error running function 'room_AfterFadeln'

Error: Null pointer referenced." 

I wonder if it's a bug that your side can fix?  

Update: I have redownloaded the file and still the problem persists. I'm using Windows 10, x64, and I've whitelisted the game in antivirus softwares. I also saw that another person had the same problem: changed the digital  sound to "Default Waveout Device", and still it's not working...



Hi, I'm really sorry to hear that. If you've whitelisted the executable and tried all the different sound output options (not just Default Waveout Device), there really is nothing else I can do on my end. It might be a conflict between your sound card and AGS, but those steps have always solved the issue so far, so it seems to be dependent on some people's systems. Apologies :(


I see, that's alright. I'll just try playing it through a different system. Thanks for the amazing game, Laura! 


Download the ScummVM nightly build. I tested the first chapter and it worked fine.

It's really weird that it works through ScummVM and not natively, but thanks for the tip!

Hi Laura, I wasn't the original commenter, but I think the reason is ScummVM bypasses the aging Allegro library. This will probably be fixed in AGS 3.6 since that replaces Allegro with SDL2.

An amazingly beautiful game.  Please keep making more amazing games!


What a wonderful creation!

Gripping stories, told with the right pacing. Shown with fluid movement, in places that are as eerie as beautiful.

Above all, you use light, darkness and color so masterfully! And then there are the many subtle details, which one might overlook, yet still serve the story.

Thank you so much for this!


this is an amazing game, love the story, graphics, and music. I can play this game again and again, looking forward for more of your creations.


Any chance to have a mac version ?

I can confirm there will be a Mac version, check this other reply for the details:

Thaaaaaanks!!! :)


As a new player, I'm mainly downloading this because I'm immediately excited by the obscure reference to Italo Calvino, hahaha


Damn! this is amazing, the story, art,, just wow. Please keep up the good work and thank you!

Most amazing free game I have ever played!

I'm not able to pause the game, no keys except the left click works. Am i missing something?


I have to say THIS IS A MUST PLAY if you are a horror fan or in awe of the power of this under utilized art style in games.

I don't want to spoil anything, but the game gradually pulls you in with more intense and graphic themes that make you invested in discovering the story's secrets. It's a medley of mystery like Murder on The Orient Express, meets Lovecraft, meets beautiful pixel art!


Wonderful game with very beautiful pixel art and music! I just got finished playing through it and I think I'll replay it soon.

(1 edit)

i like your game expecially your speciphic grafic : pixel art . I am a programmer of Unity3d if you want  we can do something toghether.



Amazing. Absolutely amazing.


This was a pleasure. All the little character animations really make it feel like they exist in the world. My favorite chapter was Lady Winterbourne's


Thank you for this delicate, wonderful experience. Looking forward to the DLC just so I can support you guys !


What a game! 
I offer to translate to Portuguese - Brazil for free

Você tem a tradução?

(1 edit) (+1)

Não, mano. Eu to me oferecendo pra traduzir pra ptbr


is that art?


i confirm this is art guys

Todos los juegos de la pagina están en ingles?


It is criminal that this game is free, it is amazing! The stories are great, the characters are great, the aesthetic, oh the aesthetic, it is superb! It remind me to The Last Door, a game I loved, and this one is, no doubt, asking for a steam release!
(1 edit)

Thank you for the video, some parts were absolutely hilarious! I'm looking forward to the next chapters :)

Thank you for watching!!! :D The other chapters will be out in a dayly fashion, so part 2 tomorrow :3


Some of (maybe even outright) the best art and animations I have seen in an AGS game. The effects during some of the transitions were truly special. Hats off to you for making such a beautifully evocative game.


great game! Thanks a lot to the creators. It's hard to believe that only two persons had work on it.

I'm really curios- if I read "If on a winters night a traveler" by Calvino , and then again play the game will I see some new meanings to this stories?) Or I just understand references to Calvino that have been left in the game?)


Thank you very much! The influence from the novel can be mostly seen reflected in the structure and partly in the ending, but apart from a couple of in-game references, the stories are their own thing, completely unrelated to Calvino's book :)


I can't believe this is free. I really feel like I should've charged money for something so amazing. I hope you continue making games like this and I'm so excited to see more of your work. Thank you.

Looks great. Is there any way for me to save it on the page to play soon? I am new here. Congratulations on the work.

(1 edit)

Yes, click on the "Add to Collection" button on the top right of this page.

Thank you very much!

Hello! I'm an old fan of point and click adventures (and a composer and sound designer) and I'm super impressed by your work: It's just amazing!! Congratulations! You and your gamedev partner are without any doubt the kind of artists that everyone would like to collaborate with!


Absolutely stunning. Just made an account just to comment here.
The art is simply amazing on every single pixel... The stories are sad and envolve you, just like as if you were Laylah themself. The narrative is very well-done: melancholic, beautiful and captivating.


I have downloaded the windows version of the game, but when trying to play, I can't move the mouse in the main menu so I cannot even click on new game. Any ideas on what might be causing this? I am playing it on a laptop, but neither the touchpad nor an actual mouse work.


Quick update: looks like the problem is only present when trying to play fullscreen. On window mode, I can move the mouse without issues.

(2 edits)

Hi, I'm sorry that you're having issues. Unfortunately, I have never run into this problem and nobody else has reported it so far either, so I'm not sure what could be going on. For starters, I would try running winsetup.exe and switching the graphics driver from Direct3D (the current selected default) to OpenGL, and see if that changes anything.

Also in the settings, you can click on "Advanced" in the lower right corner and see if increasing the "Mouse speed" slider helps.

It would also be interesting to know if this happens with other games or apps when they're running in fullscreen mode (like VLC, for example) to help discard the possibility that it might be some setting in your Windows configuration.

Hi folks.
i’ve been looking at the game for a while, and i’d love to play it, but i’m running osx.
Do you believe that making a mac version a possibility? I would love to beta test it.

(1 edit)

Hi! Thanks for your interest, but we have no plans to make a Mac version. Some people have said that WINE or PlayOnMac work for them, however, so maybe you could give that a try and see if it works?

that’s not an option on those new system.
i guess i’ll have to find a linux somewhere.
Thanks for your answer.


Try ScummVM nightly builds.

Testing that right away!



Absolutely beautiful game. The visuals are stunning but I was blown away by its use of music too. I hope this developer has a patreon or something so we can see what can be churned out full-time.


A really good game. Loved the art style and the story.


Brilliant This Game Is Soooo Good I would absolutely love another point and click from you. This game is a masterpiece, the stories are masterpieces. The music really brings out the tone of the game even the main menu music is sad. This Is A MASTERPIECE!! (Anyone reading this please do play it)

(1 edit) (+2)

This is a gem. The art, the writing, the music selection, the atmosphere... everything spins together to weave a tapestry of tragedy. An echo of the great pixel-hunts of the 1990s, suggestive of Grim Fandango, Silent Hill, and perhaps even the Chzo Tetralogy.

The animation really stands out. Even at this nostalgically low resolution, every gesture brims over with personality. Lady Winderbourne has a different set of moves for each of her records. The attention to detail is enchanting.

Thank you for this dark and beautiful piece of art.


First of all, this game is incredibly well done. The puzzles aren’t the absurd kind that usually drive me away from this type of game (“find the candelabra, smash the tree, and stick the wasp up your arse to get the key you hid there to get to the parlour”, that sort of unintuitive and unintentionally hilarious thing). In fact, they’re the kind that makes one go “ah, but of course!” after one figures it out. It sounds silly to say, maybe, but it makes one feel a bit smart, a bit in cahoots with the developer.  

The ambience is also fantastic. The attention to detail—in Valérie’s story this is most striking, though Jordan’s isn’t too shabby—is chilling yet delightful.

(spoilers below!) 

As for the characters, Carlo and Jordan are my favourites. I think Carlo was the most innocent; it was an accident, after all, and the bastard deserved it. And Jordan had actually worked for his redemption already; whatever he’d done in the war was more than paid for at the hospital. Given the opportunity, I would’ve tried my damnest to give them a second chance in life—perhaps in the future, today’s world, where they would’ve found living a tad bit easier. Though not by much, unfortunately.  

I see the characters more or less represent society’s downtrodden: a gay man, a mentally ill woman, and a black man. However, I find it most disappointing that the storyline for the woman was “husband dead, life over, kill my cat”. The game sells it just fine, thanks to the glorious atmosphere, but the story errs on the side of ridiculous in retrospect. Also, as a mentally ill cat lover myself… yeah, that’s an unforgivable crime, lady; I don’t give two fucks about your husband. To be perfectly candid, one does become a bit numb to storylines about women that centre on heterosexual romance, especially when one has two fascinating stories to compare them to, like in this game. “Woman goes mad for man, kills cat” is not nearly as compelling as Carlo’s or Jordan’s story.  

After finishing the game, I cannot help thinking that the writing is just not on the same level as the game design, and that the ultimately predictable story, the cliché ending and resolution drag the game down. It’s still worth playing, though.

when was it release

excellent game!


What a gem! If On A Winter's Night, Four Travelers shows how ruthless life can be. A soothing yet mysterious atmosphere with a great music builds up a masterpiece. I'd love to help you translating this game to Vietnamese so can I help you on spreading this game in the community? 


Thank you very much for the offer, but we are not going to translate the game. Happy you liked it and thanks for your comment!

Just finished playing this game and was most impressed by its strange beauty and intriguing story.  Almost feel like re-reading Calvino's If On A Winter's Night A Traveler.

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